Mileage today - 67
Total mileage so far - 703
I doubt if I will get any wifi reception on Arran tonight so I am doing this blog whilst waiting for the ferry in Ardrossan. They say you have to take the rough with the smooth don't they? Well, today has been the rough! Setting off at 7 o'clock this morning to avoid heavy traffic on the ten miles of A road that I to get along, the rain was very light and bearable. As the morning went on it got heavier and heavier. Leaving the main road I headed to the hills. Not massive hills but very much like the Pennines around Teesdale. Driving rain riding over hills like that is no pleasure at all, but they had to be done, and done they were! I eventually made it without a stop to Irvine and a nice warm cafe to warm up in. Back out into the rain and it was only another nine miles to Ardrossan, along a nice, traffic free cycle path. The forecast said it was going to be bad today so it came as no surprise. I'm hoping the forecast for better weather over the next few days is correct. The ferry leaves at 3-15, Just over an hour off. Then it's a fourteen mile ride to Lochranza and the nice, warm Youth Hostel for this oldest youth in town.The camera has not been out today due to the weather, but if it fines up on the ferry trip over, I will put some photos on tomorrow - or even tonight if I do get wifi over there.
Please go to my Virgin Money Giving page to donate to the British Heart Foundation, and please Gift Aid if you can, it means an extra 25% from the taxman to the BHF at no extra cost to you!